UNT Provides Thanksgiving To-Go Meals for Students Who Can’t Travel Home Due to Covid-19

UNT Food Pantry Facebook Photo

DENTON (WBAP/KLIF)- The University of North Texas is providing Thanksgiving meals to students who can’t travel home this year due to Covid-19 concerns.

Maureen McGuinness UNT Dean of Students said the UNT  food pantry has prepared pre-bagged to-go meals which includes stuffing, macaroni and cheese, green bean casserole, yams, corn and cranberry sauce. UNT Dining Services is providing pies and a choice of turkey, ham or a vegan option to complete each holiday feast.

“Whether they are international students or here in the United States, it’s been very rewarding for our staff to see how many people we can impact,” she said.

McGuinness said over 427 students have signed up, made food selections and chose how many people they would be feeding (up to 4).

“It comes out to be about 1,100 people,” said McGuinness.

Students also selected an allocated time to pick up the meals, curbside, this week to allow for social distancing.

So even if students can’t go home to enjoy the holiday with family, they can still enjoy some home comfort food this year.