Dallas Police Association Calls New Video Release Policy “Misguided”

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF) -Dallas’ largest Police Association is calling the department’s new Video Release Policy “misguided.”

Dallas Police Chief Renee Hall said this week that video of all Officer involved shootings and encounters that lead to injury or death would be released in 72 hours. The announcement comes amid recent protest and national outcry over Police brutality.

“Chief Hall’s plan to release videos of officer involved shootings etc. within 72 hours is misguided,” said Dallas Police Association Attorney Bob Gorsky. “First of all, the policy violates state law on more than one level. The quick release of such videos also jeopardizes the rights and safety of police officers and violent crime victims, which in many cases are the involved officers themselves.”

Gorsky said the policy is also contrary to the manner in which the city routinely handles public information requests when  a criminal  investigation is in progress.

“As always, the Dallas Police Association and its legal counsel welcome the opportunity to provide Chief Hall with constructive input into a policy which has wide ranging implications that clearly have not been considered,” Gorsky said.

The DPA said Thursday it has not been asked to be a part of the dialogue surrounding the new policy.

Listen to Clayton Neville’s story below:

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