LOUISIANA (WBAP/KLIF)- The U.S. Supreme Court has struck down a Louisiana law the required doctors performing abortions to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.
“In the instance that a woman has a complication with an abortion and has to be rushed to an emergency room at a nearby hospital, that doctor should be able to follow her and continue treating the patient,” said Texas Alliance for Life Director Joe Pojman.
Pojman said the 5 to 4 vote was disappointing, however, it’s not a setback.
“We have lost no ground. The rule requiring doctors who perform abortions to have hospital privileges in Louisiana, Texas, and other states, reasonable as it is, cannot be enforced today just as it could not be enforced prior to this ruling. Abortion facilities can continue to challenge safety regulations that clearly benefit the women they claim to represent. Additionally, there was no expectation the Court would overrule Roe v. Wade today because Louisiana did not ask for that,’ said Pojman.
Pojman said Texas tried to pass a similar law in 2013, but that was also shut down. “So abortion providers are flourishing in Texas and there are more than a dozen that operate with very low safety standards,”he said. Pojman said Texas has over 50,00 abortions every year and notes women should be able to receive emergent medical care in the case of an emergency.
“The only way we can change this is to get more Justices on the Supreme Court to take a fresh look at Roe vs Wade and that will only happen if Donald Trump gets re-elected as president,” said Pojman.
Pojman said the Supreme Court’s unjust Roe v. Wade precedent must be reconsidered from an unbiased perspective.