Record Low Travel Expected For Memorial Day Weekend

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF) –Travel for this upcoming Memorial Day weekend is expected to be at an all time low despite gas prices being more than a dollar less than they were this time last year.

“Even though we have these record low gas prices for Memorial Day, it’s not going to matter because travel is going to be likely at an all time low due to Covid-19 and of course the stay at home restrictions,” said Daniel Armbruster with AAA Texas.

According to Armbruster, gas prices have increased recently due to businesses beginning to reopen.

As of Thursday afternoon, the average price for a gallon of regular-grade gas in the state of Texas was $1.60 per gallon. That’s still more than a dollar less than it was this same time a year a ago.

(Copyright 2020 WBAP/KLIF 24/7 News.)