Trinity Metro Receives $55 million from CARES Act funds

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FORT WORTH (WBAP/KLIF)- The Fort Worth Transportation Authority (Trinity Metro) was awarded a federal grant of $55,161,034 for relief following the economic distress caused by the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, U.S. Sen. John Cornyn announced. The funding, which was appropriated by Congress last month as part of the CARES Act, comes through the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

“As Texas reels from the economic destruction caused by the coronavirus outbreak, it’s important our public transportation systems have the resources they need to weather the storm,” Sen. Cornyn said. “I commend both the Trump Administration and leaders at Trinity Metro who worked to secure these funds during this trying time.”

Fred Crosley Vice President of Finance for Trinity Metro says this funding will allow them to offset any costs for supplies and equipment to maintain facilities and operate vehicles during the pandemic. He said it will also be used to help losses from decreased sales tax and fare box revenue and help pay salaries of Trinity Metro employees.

“We are very excited for this funding to continue onward and deliver very fast and safe transportation for our community,” said Crosley.