(WBAP/KLIF) – Texas will safely get back to business early next month, according to Governor Greg Abbott.
The Governor told the ‘WBAP Morning News’ on Wednesday that the “twin goals” for the state are to reopen for business as quickly as possible while being safe and slowing the spread of the coronavirus.
“We’re going to make an announcement either this Friday or next Monday setting a date to reopen beginning a week after that,” said Gov. Abbott. “You’re going to be able to go dining under safe standards, you’re going to be able to get a haircut, you’re going to be able to go to hair salons, but we’re going to make sure there are safe standards in place.”
The state’s current version of a stay at home order expires April 30. A new executive order will set the standards for businesses to reopen.
“We’re going to be looking at the right strategies for businesses to open up to so they can make money again,” Gov. Abbott said.
According to the Governor, businesses will need about a week after his announcement to strategize and establish plans to reopen.
While the Governor was confident in Texans returning to work this spring he was more hesitant regarding a return to school buildings in the fall.
“Once we have an immunization we will be fully back to normal but an immunization will not be in existence when the next school year begins,” said Abbott. “There will however be medicines you can take that will basically cure people who have COVID-19.”
The Governor said it’s clear yet if the drugs will be efficient enough to allow Texas students to return to the classroom.
The future of sporting events in Texas also remains up in the air. The Governor said there is a desire by professional and college leagues in Texas to play again soon, but it could be without spectators.
Listen to Clayton Neville’s story below: