Picket Lines Continue as GM Workers in Arlington are Set to Vote on Tentative Deal

Arlington, TX (WBAP/KLIF) – As U-A-W workers nationwide continue to vote on a tentative deal reached with general motors, Local 276 in Arlington begins voting early tomorrow morning.

Shop chairman Kenneth Hines feels good about the tentative deal:

“It’s a solid deal … I feel they addressed the issues that was presented before them.
Forever the tiers divided us as a union, and that was a number one concern; as well as having temporaries in the facility divided us as a union and they were able to address 2 big issues.”

Listen as Arlington’s UAW Local 276 shop chairman Kenneth Hines talks up the tentative deal:

Meantime, U-A-W workers in in Springhill, Tennessee voted down the pact by a slim margin; workers at facilities in Toledo and Warren, Ohio overwhelmingly approved the deal.

The proposed agreement gives longtime workers 2-to-4 percent pay raises over several years, and a ratification bonus of 11-thousand dollars per workers; the bonus has been estimated to cost the automaker some $500M.

Some former workers from plants that closed this year want the deal voted down, as it has no language included about bringing any of those facilities back on line.

The strike so far, is one of the longest GM’s history at over 6 weeks.

(Copyright 2019 WBAP/KLIF 24/7 News)