MCKINNEY (WBAP/KLIF)- The Collin County Health Department has confirmed a case of travel-related extensively drug resistant Salmonella typhi (typhoid fever) at a McKinney Restaurant.
They warm anyone who ate from Hat Creek Burger Co., 3321 S Custer Road in McKinney, between Aug. 19 and 22 may be at risk.
Pam Ritz with the restaurant said the worker left work three days after returning from out of the country.
Ritz said no other employees or customers have reported symptoms.
“All of our employees are wearing gloves, we have hand washing procedures, if our employees say they don’t fell well they are ushered home and we have a routine third party cleaning service on a weekly basis. So all of these practices should contribute that there is low risk to the community,” said Ritz.
The Health Department reports symptoms of Salmonella typhi may include sustained fever as high as 103-104 degrees. Infected individuals may also feel weak, or have stomach pains, headache, diarrhea, or loss of appetite and constipation more often than diarrhea in adults. In some cases, patients have a rash of flat, rose-colored spots. Symptoms can begin in as little as three days or as long as 60 days, with an average range of 8-14 days after exposure.
Salmonella is spread through the stool of a person with the bacteria. Objects, food or water put into someone’s mouth that has bacteria on them can cause the illness. The most important way to prevent the spread of this illness is through careful hand-washing by everyone. Hands must be washed after using the restroom. Hands must also be washed before preparing food and before eating. Alcohol based hand rubs are effective when soap and water are not available.
Individuals with exposure to XDR Salmonella typhi should consult their health care provider. The only way to know for sure if you have typhoid fever is to have samples of stool or blood tested for the presence of the bacteria.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Collin County Healthcare Services. The main line during business hours is 972-548-4707. After business hours, please call Sheriff’s dispatch at 972-547-5350.
Officials at Hat Creek Burger Co. are available for questions and concerns at 888-648-1613.