Dallas Police Adds More Detectives to Homicide Unit After 40 Homicides Reported in May

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF)- Dallas Police report a total of 40 homicides in the month of May alone.

DPD Assistant Chief Avery Moore said they’re going to pull detectives from other units to help solve these crimes and reduce the homicide rate for the future. “I have increased the homicide unit to 22 detectives effective immediately,” Moore said. “Our cold case detectives part of their job responsibility is to help with homicides so I activated that as well as non-fatal shooting team detectives,” he said. Moore said those departments will not be affected. “I’m not eliminating our cold case unit they will still be working cold cases as well,” he said. Also, dallas police is implementing a homicide response team as part of the summer crime initiative. “The team will consist of SWAT, Fugitive, Disruption and Fusion,” Moore said. Moore says the department is short 600 officers but that is no excuse. “We have some of the best detectives in the country…the Dallas Police department works extremely hard to keep the community safe,” he said.

Dallas Police Association President Mike Mata said with the department lacking officers, this was something they needed to do. “I don’t think there was much of a choice.. I know some people say we are robbing Peter to pay Paul but with the situation we are in right now and the number of homicides just his month…we need to have the assets to respond,” Mata said.

Chief Moore also asks for the community’s help and says if you have any information about a crime to contact Dallas Police.