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Addison Police Investigation To Find Hoax Bomb Threat Caller

ADDISON – WBAP/KLIF –  Investigation is underway to find the man who called Addison Police around midnight Friday, claiming he was holding a woman hostage and had placed two bombs in a room of Addison’s Crowne Plaza Hotel.  The threat caused guests and hotel employees to be evacuated from around midnight through 2:30 am Saturday, when SWAT teams and a bomb sniffing dog revealed the threat was a hoax.

Desk personnel at a nearby Marriott Hotel described as many as 80 guests descending onto their lobby clad in pajamas; many in bare feet left outside in the parking lot in temperatures in the upper 30s.

Most guests returned to their rooms once police determined there was no threat, no hostage and no bombs.  Police say they will find the responsible caller and he will face several serious charges.

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