Dallas County Judge Denies Bond Reduction Request for Sini Mathews

DALLAS  (WBAP/KLIF News) – A Dallas County judge has decided not to lower the bond for the Richardson woman accused of child abandonment in connection with the death of her adopted daughter.

Sini Mathews is charged with abandoning 3-year-old Sherin Mathews in October of 2017, when investigators said she left the child at home while the family went to dinner the night Sherin was allegedly murdered.

Mathews’ attorneys had requested that her $100,000 bond be reduced to $2500.

A judge sided with the prosecution Thursday who argued that Mathews is a potential flight risk by pointing out that she has no family in the Metroplex and had planned to go to India before she was arrested.

Attorney Phillip Parker represents Mathews and said her family didn’t testify on her behalf because they’ve been threatened.

“The Indian government has revoked some visas and threatened their dual citizenship. So they’re reluctant because they don’t want to get into that and they have connections and family over in India,” he said.

Parker said he feels that they have a strong case but is worried about how things will play out.

“It’s very discouraging and it makes you wonder…’Can she really receive a fair trial?’…but that’s what we’re dealing with right now,” he said.

Mathews is expected to remain behind bars until her trial.

Her husband, Wesley Mathews, is also in Dallas County Jail, on a capital murder charge for Sherin’s death.

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