North Texas Bracing for First Freeze of the Season

Courtesy of the National Weather Service

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF News) — The first hard freeze of the season is expected Thursday night and it will likely affect most, if not all, of North Texas.

WBAP Meteorologist Brad Barton said there’s a couple of things you need to do to prepare.

“You want to double check your sprinkler system to make sure it does not run overnight. A lot of people have been running their sprinkler systems because its been so dry lately but that could cause an ice slick in front of your house. Some cities could even right you a ticket for that,” he said.

Barton said that a lot of people forget about the simple things you can do to make sure the cold weather doesn’t damage your property.

“You might want to top off your tires overnight so you wont get that low tire pressure alert in the morning. If you’re using a gas space heater be sure it’s well vented and make sure the flame is blue. If it is orange, the burner needs to be cleaned because you may be burning up some oxygen,” he said.

The temperatures overnight are expected to dip into the twenties.

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