Community Leaders Call for Jerry Jones to Recant His Statement on Anthem Protests

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF) – Community leaders called Monday, for Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones to recant his statement about his players standing for the National Anthem.

Local ministers and activists accused Jones of using what they called “plantation politics” by telling his players to stand or not play.

“Jerry Jones in essence was saying stand up, shut up, and get out there and play,” said Dr. Frederick Haynes, Pastor at Friendship West Baptist Church. “Slaves obey your masters.”

Haynes said he’s asking the Cowboys owner to support his black players by using his platform to bring to light social injustice. Haynes called for Jones to take back his directives toward the team and allow the players to kneel during the anthem if they choose to.

“We’ve lost the narrative on what these protests are all about,” said Haynes. “It’s never been about the anthem. It’s about social injustices in this country.”

Haynes asked that Jones declare the month of November “Justice Month” for the Cowboys organization and bring to light issues black America is facing in society.

The NFL and its players are expected to meet this week to discuss the protests and how best to move forward.

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