9/11 Memorial Takes Place on SMU Dallas Hall Lawn

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF News) – SMU students planted 3,000 American flags on the Dallas Hall Lawn as part of their 9/11: Never Forget Project. Last month, school officials agreed to allow the display, put on by SMU’s Young Americans for Freedom, in the central part of campus after backlash from their previous decision to move it elsewhere.

SMU College Republican President Drew Wicker said that the annual display brings people together.

“We saw College Democrats,” Wicker said. “We saw feminists. We saw Democratic Socialists, Republicans, Conservatives, Tea Partiers, Libertarians alike all come together to pay respect and honor those people who lost their lives that day.”

Wicker also said that the unity shown on the SMU campus is something the rest of the country should work towards.

Monday, the SMU College Republicans and other student organizations joined together for the ceremony in honor of the lives lost on 9/11/2001.

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