Relative of Confederate General Robert E. Lee Speaks Out About Lee Park Statue

Photo Courtesy of WFAA TV

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF News) – The great-great grandson of Robert E. Lee is speaking out about the fate of his relative’s statue in Lee Park.

A federal judge ruled on Thursday that the City of Dallas is within its rights to remove the statue from Lee Park.

The Dallas City Council voted 13 to 1 to remove the statue immediately on Wednesday. Shortly after the vote, crews began dismantling the statue.

A few hours later, a federal judge granted a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans a temporary restraining order stopping the removal.

John Lee has been vocal throughout the process and offered to buy the statue from the city at Wednesday’s meeting but did not receive an answer.

He said he feels like the statue is being stolen from his family.

“As far as the money that went into the park, it was $90,000 in the very beginning. My family put up $45,000 of the ninety, half of the money,” said Lee.

The judge ruled that the city had the authority to vote on the removal and that taking the monument down is not a violation of free speech.

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