Military Service Members, Fallen Soldiers Honored at DFW National Cemetery’s Memorial Day Tribute

DALLAS (WBAP/KLIF News) – More than a thousand people filled the lawn at the DFW National Cemetery on Memorial Day to honor veterans and fallen soldiers.

The US Air Force Reserve opened the event with a fly over, followed by speeches from military service members.

Brigadier General David Hill said it’s important to remember those that have made or are prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice.

“On this day, it’s so important that each of us pay a well deserved tribute to those brave Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our great nation who ensured for us the freedoms we now enjoy,” he said.

North Texas resident Jim Hambay said it was his first time at the service. He said he was touched by the ceremony.

“I’d heard about it but I never knew where the cemetery was exactly. So, it was a very impressive cemetery…a beautiful day…the event was very well organized,” said Hambay.

Veteran Brandy Canagee said that Memorial Day is always bittersweet.

“Knowing some of the people that were lost. This takes on a whole different meaning,” she said.

The memorial event was closed by ceremonial cannon fire.

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