Collin County Sheriff Says Department Will Follow Federal Immigration Policy

McKINNEY (WBAP/KLIF News) — The Collin County Sheriff’s Department is accepting President Trump’s immigration policy.

Sheriff Jim Skinner says his department has one full-time immigration and customs enforcement officer to handle criminals who are undocumented.

“I don’t have deputies who are out here searching for people who are in this country illegally,” Skinner says. “But I have deputies who are out here providing the public with law enforcement services and providing for the public’s safety.”

Skinner says he tries to stay out of political conversations because, in his words, that is the job of lawmakers.

He says it’s his and his department’s job to enforce the law — not question it.

“Criminal aliens who come into our jail, [ICE officers] handle those, and those folks are ultimately turned over into their custody,” Skinner says. “What we’re going to do is follow the law and honor any federal detainer that we’re asked to honor.”