2016 was a difficult year. I watched someone very special to me lose a hard-fought battle with cancer at the beginning of the year. What helped me get through it was to remember to take in life’s beautiful moments.
It’s something that I have always done but it seemed to resonate with me more this year.
I plan on doing even more of it of next year. I love being outdoors and admiring nature’s beauty but I am not sure I realized how healing it is.
We all tend to worry about the big and little hurdles we come up against in life. Next year, I am not going to stress out about the little things.

One of the biggest lessons I learned this year is that it doesn’t do any good to stress over the little things. In the grand scheme of things they really don’t matter.
I want to focus on being good person who spreads good energy wherever I go.
I love what I do but when I leave work…I don’t take it home with me. If I have encountered a difficult person, I don’t think about them once I step through my front door.
People often asked me why I seem so calm. It’s because I know that we’re all going to go through difficult situations but they are learning lessons and no matter how hard it seems…we will come out on the other side.
So, next year I plan on relaxing more and giving my body, mind and soul the rest it needs.
I posted a picture of the Dallas Arboretum because it’s beautiful and a wonderful place to relax.