Vote JFK billboards promoting new Sixth Floor exhibit

A handful of “Vote for JFK” billboards have popped up around the Metroplex.

No, there’s no current JFK running for president. Instead, the billboards are for a new exhibit at the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza.

“It’s called A Time for Greatness: the 1960 Kennedy Campaign,” museum executive director Nicola Langford said. “A Time for Greatness was Kennedy’s campaign slogan.”


The exhibit has been running on the seventh floor of the museum and will run through November 13th, just after the general election. It features a variety of elements from the famous 1960 campaign trail, including paraphernalia, a timeline of the campaign and Kennedy’s stops, and videos of election and debate coverage.

“We have a lot of political campaign material, so we created this wonderful exhibit to compare and contrast then and now,” Langford said.


The billboard uses images from Kennedy’s actual campaign poster from 1960, which is why Langford says people have been intrigued by them.

“People have done a double take in their car, not quite sure that it’s an exhibit until they see ‘Special Exhibit,'” Langford said. “But they think it’s very timely.”

You can learn more about the exhibit and purchase tickets by visiting the museum’s website.