Dallas (WBAP/KLIF News) – Even during mass casualty emergencies, people are still getting into car wrecks, falling on stairs, and so on. That was the case during Thursday’s attack on Dallas police.
“There were almost 300 people in the Emergency Room at the time,” said Doctor Joseph Minei with the Parkland Hospital trauma team. “Over the course of the four or five hours while it was all happening, another 134 patients came through the Emergency Room doors.”
Minei and other members of the team say they’re still trying to come to grips with what they saw that night.
One of them is Dr. Brian Williams, who says as a black man, he understands the anger blacks feel toward police. But he says the police aren’t the problem.
“I understand the anger and the frustration, and the distrust of law enforcement,” said Williams. “But they’re not the problem. The problem is the lack of open discussions about the impact of race relations in this country.”
Some of the doctors, nurses and police officers on duty that night have yet to have a day off to collect their thoughts. They say despite what happened that night, they still have a job to do today.
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