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Storm Damages Docks at Lake Lewisville

lewisville lake damage

Lewisville (WBAP/KLIF News) – A round of thunderstorms caused some damage at a pier at Lake Lewisville Monday morning. Several docks broke away from Pier 121 around six o’clock Monday morning.

“We got up and needed to sit down, get on our knees or you would have been thrown,” says Lonnie Williams, who was sleeping on one of the boats with his wife when the storms arrived. “All’s well, though, it’s just cosmetic damage.”

The marina will need to reattach the dock for his boat.

No one was hurt, but people arriving for boat tours Monday morning say they noticed the lake had spilled over into part of the parking lot.

“We’ll still go out on the water,” one man said as he made his way to the dock. “I don’t think it’s flooded out there.”

In addition to the problems at the docks, Williams says the wind did damage canvas tops on some of the boats.

“They’re shredded,” he says. “Things are dislodged on the docks. Tables or anything that wasn’t tied down is gone.”

(Copyright 2016 WBAP/KLIF News. All rights reserved)