Texas Targets Could be Next Focus of Transgender Debate

Courtesy of: tristateupdate.com
Courtesy of: tristateupdate.com

TEXAS (WBAP/KLIF News) Texas could be the next battleground for the so-called “bathroom bill.” Nearly a million people signed a petition to boycott Target, after the retailer assured its employees and customers that transgender people can use the bathroom they are most comfortable with. A Florida man even tested the policy by going into his local target, and asking a manager if he could use the women’s restroom. The manager confirmed he was allowed, then even said if any women were to complain, to have them come speak to him. Several lawmakers in the lone star state say they support measures to restrict restroom access for transgender people. State Representative Matt Shaheen from Plano, told the Texas Tribune that he’s even behind all Target stores closing in Texas.


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