Eric Bushman: 1/14/15 Look on the sunny side…if you can find it

I'm a simple man with a handful of goals and I desire nothing more than to see the Sun. It's been away for sometime now in this living hell we call winter.

In Texas, we are blessed with constant sunlight through a majority of the year but occasionally the clouds move in and sit. And, sit. And, sit.

I have family which lives in New Hampshire. I could thank my father daily for leaving for the Midwest long before starting a family and long before I came along. I kept the trend going by moving to where it is even warmer. My children may end up moving to the Bahamas.

Winter and I do not get along. It's like dropping a toaster into a puddle and not expecting an undesirable shock.

I hate wearing a coat, but I'm glad we have them. I hate wearing gloves, but they do keep my hands warm as I'm navigating the Dallas North Tollway.

While I'm glad we have the things we need to get through the cold months of the year, I desire nothing more than to see the Sun.

Eric Bushman