Man Arrested After Whataburger Video Goes Viral

Kino Jiminez (San Antonio Police)

San Antonio (WBAP/KLIF) – A 30-year old San Antonio man has been arrested after a viral Facebook post captured the disturbing moments when he apparently got angry over a ‘Make American Great Again’ hat worn by a teen sitting inside a Whataburger restaurant. He’s hurling obsentieis about President; he then splashes a soft drink over the teen’s hat and walks of with the hat, saying it would look great in his fireplace.

Another teen is seen, looking stunned at what was happening.  His mother, Patricia Spittler asks Facebook users to help identify the “scum bag of the year.”

“His friend was wearing a patriotic hat, and this happened! It would be nice to know who he is for someone to let him know his actions are not okay! Real tough guy… approaches a group of teenagers minding their own business just having a burger! He kept his hat, too,” she wrote in the original post.


30-year old Kino Jimenez was arrested at his home without incident and charged with theft.  He was also fired from his job.

The video picks up with a man hurling obsenities about President Trump.

WARNING: The video contains graphic language.

Whataburger released the following statement Thursday morning:

“We were shocked to see this video and certainly don’t condone this type of customer behavior in our restaurants. To be clear, no Whataburger employees were involved or witnessed the incident, and we ask that questions be directed to San Antonio PD as we continue supporting their efforts.”

Mr. Trump 2020 campaign manager has offered to send the teen a new hat.