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Cornyn Files Legislation Aimed at NASA Setting Human Spaceflight Goals

(WBAP/KLIF) – Senator John Cornyn has launched an effort requiring NASA to set goals for future manned spaceflight.

The Mapping a New Innovative Focus on our Exploration Strategy, or MANIFEST for Human Spaceflight Act, sets a path for the nation’s space agency to once again be in the business of launching American astronauts into space.

Among other items, the legislation requires NASA to provide Congress human exploration strategies and goals with the ultimate goal of putting humans on Mars.

Senator Cornyn says the bill reaffirms the country’s longstanding commitment to advancing science and exploring the Universe.

NASA has not launched Americans into space since the retirement of the Space Shuttle over five years ago.

The U.S. has had to rely on Russia to do that job.
(Copyright 2017, WBAP/KLIF. All Rights Reserved.)