Cruz Gives Uncomfortable Monologue About Queso

WASHINGTON (WBAP/KLIF News) – Who says nothing happens in a lame duck session?

Texas Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz attempted to show Texas queso is better than Arkansas “cheese dip” during a blind taste-test at the Capitol this week.

Cruz spent nearly a minute professing his love for the melted dairy.  “It just tastes good,” said Cruz.  “It’s speaks to the soul.  Good queso relaxes you.  Cheese dip can be served on a Ritz cracker or with one of those tiny Vienna sausages.  Queso is made to be scooped up with tortilla chips, dribbling down your chin and onto your shirt.  One is a visceral, emotional, powerful family bond as you and your kids poor into nachos covered in queso.  The other is party favors at an afternoon tea.”

But it seems the other senators didn’t agree with Cruz, and Arkansas cheese dip was declared the winner.

The Arkansas cheese dip was provided by a company in Little Rock, while the queso came from Uncle Julio’s in Dallas.

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